
  1. 1 Your contact details

  2. 2 Personal details

  3. 3 Upload your photos

  4. 4 Upload your video

  5. 5 Tell us your skills

  6. 6 Personal statement

Please complete our registration form and we'll get back to you on the next stage in the process. Best of luck with your application and thanks for choosing Elevate.

Elevate Staffing is a W2 employer and as a W2 employer we ask for the following details to verify your eligibility to work in the United States of America. We also use these details to process your pay.

  • Legal name (as presented on ID)
  • Birthdate (as presented on ID)
  • Social Security Number (full number)
  • Physical address (cannot be a PO box) *you can add a mailing address at a later time

Upon being accepted into our database you will also have to upload your I9 Identity documents for approval prior to starting a work assignment. You will receive an email with full details and instructions on how to complete the onboarding process when you are accepted into our database. It is extremely important that you read this email thoroughly and provide us with the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Your contact details

Starting with the basics

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Please make sure you enter your name so we know who you are!

How can we get in touch with you?

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Please enter your mobile phone number so we can text you with all the latest job alerts.

Primary contact address

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Please enter your main address below. We will contact you based on your postcodes and their distance to job location so it’s really important you ensure these are kept up to date. Your address is also where you want us to send your payslips.

Please select your country for work eligibility:

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Please enter the relevant information to confirm that you are eligible to work in the USA

Did you attend a university or any further education?

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Please let us know about any university or Higher Education (HE) degree you have completed, or are currently studying for.